A key value associations provide is bringing people together for business, professional development, and community networking. COVID-19 has put these gatherings on a temporary hold and may disrupt the industry for many years to come.
The Events Industry Council has convened a COVID- 19 Business Recovery Task Force to quickly aggregate accepted practices and provide a framework for meeting in-person again safely. Industry subgroups are looking at resources, gaps, stakeholders, policies and procedures, the 360-degree attendee/customer experience, and risk management guidelines.
The task force will follow two parallel paths. The first will address the immediate need for guidance on accepted practices and work already underway to restart the industry. The second will address the long-term need to examine adaptation and transformation for the future stability of the association workforce and the relevance and resiliency of the industry.
Join this webcast to learn more about the work of the task force and the variables you should consider when crafting in-person gatherings in the future.
Amy Ledoux, CAE, CMP, chief learning and meetings officer, ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership
Amy Calvert, CEO, Events Industry Council
Michael Dominguez, president and CEO, Associated Luxury Hotels International; cochair, APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force